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4η (τελική) ανακοίνωση συνεδρίου Ελληνική Βιοπληροφορική

Dear colleagues,

Following up on the previous announcements of H.Bioinfo 11 • 2018 conference taking place during 16-18 November 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece, we wanted to let you know that a registration extension has been decided for all participants as follows:

Registration fees

• Early Registration (through October 10, 2018)
• Student (without lunch): 25 Euros
• Student (with lunch): 50 Euros
• Participant (Academic): 100 Euros
• Participants (Industry): 200 Euros
• Late Registration (October 11-October 20, 2018)
• Student: 50 Euros
• Participant (Academic): 150 Euros
• Participants (Industry): 300 Euros

• Registration is open here

• Final agenda is available here

Please, note that the above registration extension is FINAL !

Don’t miss the opportunity to still register at the reduced rate and meet some of the most influential scientists in Bioinformatics. 

We hope to see you all in Thessaloniki in November!

For the Organising Committee

Ilias Kappas
Assist. Professor
School of Biology, AUTH

(Chair, Hellenic Bioinformatics)



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ΕΠΕΙΓΟΥΣΑ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ Νο2: Διευκρινήσεις σχετικά με την αναστολή λειτουργίας του Τμήματος Οδοντιατρικής 02-12-2024

ΕΠΕΙΓΟΥΣΑ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ: Αναστολή λειτουργίας Εργαστηρίων και Κλινικών του Τμήματος Οδοντιατρικής 02-12-2024


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