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French Institutes for Advanced Study (FIAS) Fellowship Programme CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 2024/2025

Dear colleagues,


The RFIEA Foundation is glad to announce the launch of the call for applications of the French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme. The FIAS 2024-2025 call for applications is now open.

The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the seven Institutes of Aix-Marseille, Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Paris and Rennes. It welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists to develop their innovative research project in France.


We would very much appreciate it if you would agree to help us in the dissemination of the FIAS fellowships to your contacts. I am of course available for any further details.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

With best wishes,


Raquel Sanz Barrio

FIAS Programme Officer
at the RFIEA Foundation
54 bd Raspail
75006 Paris – FRANCE




The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the seven Institutes of Aix-Marseille, Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Paris and Rennes. It welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists to develop their innovative research project in France.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, FIAS offers 40 fellowship positions: 4 in Aix-Marseille, 3 in Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), 10 in Lyon, 3 in Montpellier, 4 in Nantes, 13 in Paris and 3 in Rennes.

The call is open to all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) and all research fields. Research projects in other sciences and in arts that propose a strong interaction and dialogue with the SSH are also eligible. Some host IAS have scientific priorities that need to be taken into full consideration before applying.

The FIAS fellows will be free to organize their research while benefiting from the support and conducive scientific environment offered by the IAS characterised by a multidisciplinary cohort of fellows and by close relation to the local research centres and laboratories.


All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (2,700€ per month), social security coverage, accommodation, a research and training budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.


FIAS awards fellowships to outstanding researchers of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists. The minimum requirement is a PhD + 2 years of research experience at the time of the application. Exceptions will be made for scholars with a Master + 6 years of full-time research experience after the degree (PhD training will not be considered in the calculation of experience).

Researchers from all countries are eligible to the FIAS Fellowship Programme but they must have spent no more than 12 months in France during the three years prior to the application deadline.


Applications are submitted online via www.fias-fp.eu where you will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria and selection procedure.

 Application deadline: June 6, 2023 – 6:00 pm (Paris, France time)


The scientific selection is highly competitive, merit-based and conducted through an international independent peer review.

  • July – October 2023: Peer review process
  • November 2023: Preselection by the FIAS Selection Committee
  • January – February 2024: Selection by IAS Scientific Advisory Boards
  • March 2024: Communication of results


For more general information on the FIAS Fellowship Programme www.fias-fp.eu

For more detailed information on the IAS specific environment and scientific priorities https://www.fias-fp.eu/about-us/the-institutes


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant


FIAS Programme Officer
at the RFIEA Foundation
54 bd Raspail
75006 Paris – FRANCE


FIAS 2024-2025 Call for applications


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