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Koidis Petros


Τηλέφωνο:  (+30) 2310 999659 


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Σπουδές – Τίτλοι:  

1980 DDS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Thessaloniki, Greece
1984 PhD, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
1987 MS, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
1987 Certificate in Advanced Fixed and Removable Prosthodontic Education, School of Dentistry,
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA


Ακαδημαϊκή σταδιοδρομία:  

1989 Lecturer, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
1993 Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
1997 Visiting Assist. Professor,Harvard School of Dental Medicine,Harvard University,Boston, USA
1999 Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
2005 Professor, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
2005-T Coordinator Graduate Program in Fixed Prosthesis and Implant Prosthodontics, AUTh.
2008-T Chairman, Dept. Fixed Prosthesis and Implant Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
2011-T Head, Section of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, AUTh.


Τιμητικές διακρίσεις:  

2007-T Visiting Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2009-T Adjunct Professor, “Gr. T. Popa” Medicine and Pharmacy University, Faculty of
Dental Medicine, Iasi, Romania
2011-4 Adjunct Senior Scientist in Houston Center for Biomaterials and Biomimetics of The
University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston, USA

1986 1st Place Award ICSABER BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY, (Graduate student research Forum)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA..
1986 Semifinalist John J. Sharry Prosthodontic Research Competition, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF
PROSTHODONTISTS, for the research: A standardized system for evoking masseteric silent
periods with decreased variance,
1988 Semifinalist John J. Sharry Prosthodontic Research Competition THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF
PROSTHODONTISTS, for the research: Color consistency, plaque accumulation and external
marginal surface characteristics of the collarless metal-ceramic restoration (fabricated by
different techniques),
2003 1st Place Award for the best presentation at the 3rd Asian Bioceramics Symposium (ABC2003)
in conjunction with Hard Tissues Nano-Biomaterials Symposium 2003, Fukuwka, Japan,
2006 2nd Place Award for best oral presentation of the project “Kontonasaki E, Papadopoulou L,
Kantiranis N, Kavouras P, Hatzistavrou X, Zorba F, Theoharidou A, Kostopoulos E, Sivropoulou
A, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P. Determination of microstructure and biomechanical
properties of a low fusion dental porcelain”, 26th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Hellenic
Dental Association, Athens, Greece.
2007 2nd Place Award for best oral presentation of the project “Manda M, Galanis C, Georgiopoulos
V, Provatidis C, Koidis P. Effect of severely reduced bone support on the developed stress
field within the connectors of three types of cross-arch fixed partial denture”, 31st Congress
of the European Prosthodontic Association Athens, Greece.
2007 2nd Place Award for best poster presentation of the project “Theocharidou A., Kontonasaki E.,
Oraiopoulou X., Papadopoulou L., Sivropoulou A., Paraskevopoulos K.M., , Koidis P.
Periodontal ligament fibroblasts’ behavior on modified bioactive dental ceramic coatings”,
31st Congress of the European Prosthodontic Association Athens, Greece.
2008 Award for Honorable Membership of Dental Association of Bosnia & Herzegovina
2008 1st Place Award for the best presentation at the 13rd Congress of Balkan Stomatological
Society in Lemesos, Cyprus, of the project “Manda M, Galanis C, Georgiopoulos V, Provatidis
C, Koidis P. Effect of connectors’ vertical dimension on the developed stress field within the
connectors of two types of cantilever cross-arch fixed partial denture, in severely reduced
osseous support
2009 2nd Place Award for best poster presentation of the project “Siarampi E, Kontonasaki E.,
Papadopoulou L., Kantiranis N, Zorba T, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P. Investigation on the
mechanical strength to compression and study of the probability of failure of nuclei of
zirconia stabilized by ytria for all-ceramic restorations”, 29th Panhellenic Dental Congress,
Hellenic Dental Association, Ioannina, Greece, Nov 13-15.
2010 1st Place Award for the best presentation of the project “Papageorgiou S, Manda M, Koidis P.
Determination of effect of materials for restorations on single implant on biomechanical
behaviour: Finite Element Analysis”, 30th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Hellenic Dental
Association, Athens, Greece, 22-24 Oct.
2013 Diploma of Honour in sign of recognition of outstanding merits and permanent support with
the occasion of The XVIIth Edition of the Dental Medicine Faculty Days, Iasi, Romania, March


Μέλος Επιστημονικών Εταιρειών:  

1978 International Association of Dental Students (I.A.D.S.)
1980 Greek Dental Association
1982 Stomatological Society of Greece
1984 American Dental Association, (ADA)
1984 International Association of Dental Research, ( I.A.D.R.)
1986 American Prosthodontic Society, (A.P.S.)
1987 Carl O. Boucher Prosthodontic Conference
1988 Geriatric and Gerontologic Society of North Greece
1989 Stomatologic Society of North Greece
1993-96 Member Executive Committee
1996-99 Secretary General
1992 Association of Greek Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeons
1995 Balkan Stomatological Society (BaSS)
2001-2002 Member Executive Committee
2002-2005 Secretary General
2005-2007 Vice President
2007-2009 President Elect
2009-2011 President
2011-2013 Past President
1996 Greek Society of Osseointegration
2001 Greek Ceramic Society
2003 Greek Society of Biomaterials
2008-2011 Member Executive Committee
2006 European Society of Biomaterials
2007 European Prosthodontic Association
2011-2013 Member of Board


Οργανωτική και Διοικητική δραστηριότητα:  

1991 Member Committee of Supervision and Safety, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1991 Member Committee of Purchasing Beating Request, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1994 Representative of School of Dentistry in Central Management Committee, Ministry for
Health and Social Care for Year of Oral Health Celebration, Athens, Greece
1995 Member of Executive Committee, Postgraduate Program in Prosthodontics, School of
Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1996 Member of Planning & Proposing Committee for the Framework for Complementary
Education of Dentists, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1996 Member of Committee for Development of new Undergraduate Curriculum of School of
Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1999 Academic Chancellor, School of Dentistry, Office of Interconnection, AUTh, Greece.
2001-7 School of Dentistry Representative in AUTh Research Committee
2001 Member of Committee for development of new Postgraduate Program of School of
Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2003-9 Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of AUTh, Greece
2003-6 Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of Greek Dental Association
2003-12 Member of Ethical Committee, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2004-9 Consultant in Gerson Lehrman Group’s Healthcare Council, USA
2005-7 Member of Research Ethical Committee, AUTh, Greece
2005-9 Member of Working Group V6 on Medical Image Analysis, Human Motion and Body
Measurement of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
2007-11 Member Financial Planning Committee, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2007-11 Coordinator, Curriculum Development Committee, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2009-11 Member, Curriculum Development Committee, School of Medicine, AUTh, Greece


Ερευνητική δραστηριότητα – Προγράμματα:  

Research Project: 127/19-12-1991 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,, Thessaloniki,
Greece, “Alterations of occlusal tooth contacts after prolonged tooth clenching”, Project
2. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PEDED 99ΕΔ544
(1999-2003) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development“Bioactive Materials: Application in Dental Fixed Prosthetic Restorations”,
Project Leader
3. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PEDED 01ΕΔ197
(2003-2006) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development, by collaboration with National Metsovio Polythechnic, Athens,
Greece“Development of integrated methodology for dental rehabilitation with metallic
implants” Senior Researcher
4. Research Project: Joint Research and Technology Program 2003-2005 by Greece &
Romania 1419/5-2-2003, General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development “The biological response and interactions of fibroblast cell lines to dental
ceramics modified by bioactive glass” , Project Leader
5. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PΥΤΗAGORAS ΙΙ
04ΕΔ544 (2005-2006) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development by collaboration with Faculty of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece “Fabrication of contemporary materials with bioactive behavior – Study
of physicochemical properties and cellular response of new type of dental ceramics modified
by bioactive ceramics” Senior Researcher
6. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PENED 03ΕΔ736
(2005-2008) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development “Development of Dental Bioactive ceramic materials connected with
biopolymer scaffolds for tissue regeneration”, Project Leader
7. Participation in COST Action MP 1005 (4190/10): “From nano to macro biomaterials
(design, processing, characterisation, modeling) and applications to stem cells
regenerative orthopaedic an dental medicine, NAMABIO ” as MC Substitute Member for
Greece (2011-2015)
8. Research Project: “Investigation of the effect of cell culture supernatant (Conditioning
Medium) of mesenchymal stem cells from the apical papilla of permanent teeth in
combination with low level laser radiation in their ability to regenerate nerve tissue”,
Program supporting Excellence: Basic Science, Research Committee Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, #89368, 2012-2013. Project Leader
9. Research Project: “Dental Tissue Engineering using novel biomimetic scaffold materials
in combination with stem cells of dental origin and low level laser irradiation
(DentBioTisEng)”, Program ARISTEIA II (Excellence II): Operational Program “Education and
Life Learning”, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, (#5105 (9411/7-12) / ΠΔΕ:
2013ΣΕ01380048, (2014-15). Project Leader


Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά:  

1. Goudouri M, Kontonasaki E, Chrysafis K, Will J, Theodosoglou E, Koidis P, Paraskevopoulos
KM, Boccaccini A. Development of highly porous scaffolds based on bioactive silicates for
dental tissue engineering, Materials Research Bulletin 2014; 49: 399-404.
2. Bousnaki M, Koidis P. Advances on Biomedical Titanium Surface Interactions, J
Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2014; 19: 43-64.
3. Goudouri O-M, Kontonasaki E, Papadopoulou L, Kantiranis N, Lazaridis NK, Chrissafis K,
Chatzistavrou X, Koidis P, Paraskevopoulos KM. Towards the synthesis of an experimental
bioactive dental ceramic. Part I: Crystallinity characterization and bioactive behavior
evaluation, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2014; 145 (1-2): 125-134
4. Vatali A, Kontonasaki E, Kavouras P, KantiranisN, Papadopoulou L, Paraskevopoulos KM,
Koidis P. Effect of heat treatment and in vitro aging on the microstructure and mechanical
properties of cold isostatic-pressed zirconia ceramics for dental restorations, Dental
Materials 2014; 30 (10): e272-e282
5. Siarambi E. Kontonasaki E,Andrikopoulos KS, Kantiranis N, Voyatzis GA, Zorba T,
Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P. Effect of in vitro aging on the flexural strength and probability
to fracture of Y-TZP zirconia ceramics for all-ceramic restorations, Dental Materials 2014;
6. Paschalidis T, Bakopoulou A, Papa X, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W, Koidis P. Dental pulp stem
cells’ secretome enhances pulp repair processes and compensates TEGDMA induced
cytotoxicity. Dental Materials 2014; 30(12):e405-18.
7. Malliari M, Bakopoulou A, Koidis P. First Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in
aTemporomandibular Disorders Patient. Report of a Case. Int J Prosthodont 2015; 28 (2):
8. Karakoulaki S, Tortopidis D, Andreadis D, Koidis P. Relationship between bruxism and
stress determined by saliva biomarkers. Int J Prosthodont 2015; 28(5):467-74.
9. Bakopoulou A, Leyhausen G, Volk J, Papachristou E, Koidis P, Geurtsen W. Wnt/β-
catenin signaling regulates Dental Pulp Stem Cells’-DPSCs responses to pulp injury by
resinous monomers. Dental Materials 2015; 31(5):542-55.
10. Tsagkalidis G, Tortopidis D, Mpikos P, Kaisarlis G, Koidis P.Accuracy of three different
impression techniques for internal-connection angulated implants, J Prosthet Dent
2015; 114(4):517-23.
11. Kontonasaki E, Bakopoulou A, Theocharidou A, G. Theodorou GS, Papadopoulou L,
Kantiranis N, Bousnaki M, ChatzichristouC, Papachristou E, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P.
Effective cell growth potential of Mg-based bioceramic scaffolds towards targeted dentin
regeneration. Balkan J Dent Med 2015; 19: 75-85.
12. Bakopoulou A, Kritis A, Andreadis D, Papachristou E, Leyhausen G, Koidis P, Geurtsen W,
Tsiftsoglou A. Angiogenic potential and secretome of human apical papilla mesenchymal
stem cells in various stress microenvironments. Stem Cells and Development 2015;24(21):
13. Tzanakakis E, Tzoutzas I, Koidis P. Is there a potential doe durable adhesion to zirconia
restorations? A Systematic Review, J Prosthet Dentistry Sept2015


Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις σε Ελληνικά Περιοδικά:  

1. Tortopidis D, Manda Μ, Kontizas G, Koidis P. Diagnosis and management of dental
patients with Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and dental erosion, SΤΟΜΑ 2010; 38: 21-28.
2. Tortopidis D, Toyrnavitis A, Papa P, Koidis P. Bruxism: Diagnosis and management of
patients with natural teeth and dental implants. SΤΟΜΑ 2011, 39: 41-50.
3. Theoharidou A, Augeris A, Kontonasaki E, Koidis P. Disorders of temporomandibular joint
under the prism of molecular biology, SΤΟΜΑ 2011; 39: 121-131.
4. Kontonasaki E, Theoharidou A, Garefis P, Koidis P. Fixed Metal Ceramic Restorations:
Prognosis – Complications, Odontostomatological Progress 2012, 66 (1): 70-87
5. Kontopoulou E, Bakopoulou A, Koidis P. Regenerative Dentistry: Current Research
Advancements and Prospects for Clinical Application, STOMA 2014; 42: 49-72.



1. Koidis PT. Contribution to the study of the relationship between anxiety and
symptomatology of dysfunction of the Stomatognathic System, PhD Dissertation, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1984.
2. Koidis PT. The porcelain labial margin in collarless metal-ceramic restorations, Master of
Science Thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 1987.
B. Books
1. Koidis P. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics (Editing and Translation in Greek of:
Rosensteil SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics), Bonisel Dental
Publ., Athens, 2012.
C. Chapters in Books
1. Koidis P, Manda M. Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications. Chapter in: Daskalaki A.
(Ed) Dental Computing and Applications: Advanced Techniques for Clinical Dentistry, Medical
Information Science Reference, IGI Global, Hersey – New York, 2009, pp. 273-304.
2. Koidis P, Manda M. Biomechanics of Rehabilitating the Perioprosthetic Patient, in:
Periodontal Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention, Yamamoto SL (Edit), Nova
Science Publishers, Inc, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 67-92.
3. Stamenkovic D, Koidis P. Strategija razvoja stomatoloskih materijala, in: Stomatoloski
Materijali, Knjiga 2, Edit. Stamenkovic D, Stomatoloski Fakultet u Beograd, Belgrade, 2012,
pp. 455-467.
4. Bakopoulou A, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W, Koidis P. Dental Tissue Engineering Research
and Translational Approaches towards Clinical Application, in: Medical Advancements in
Aging and Regenerative Technologies: Clinical Tools and Applications, Daskalaki A (Edit), IGI
Global, 2013, pp. 279-312. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2506-8
5. Chatzistavrou X, Kontonasaki E, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P, Boccaccini AR.Sol-gel
derived silica-based bioactive glasses, glass-ceramics and composites (Chapter 6) In: Vallittu
P (Edit). Dental biomaterials: repair and restoration,
Woodhead Publishing Limited (2013) , pp. 194-231.



Telephone:  (+30) 2310 999659 


No items found


1980 DDS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Thessaloniki, Greece
1984 PhD, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
1987 MS, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
1987 Certificate in Advanced Fixed and Removable Prosthodontic Education, School of Dentistry,
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA


Academic career:  

1989 Lecturer, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
1993 Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
1997 Visiting Assist. Professor,Harvard School of Dental Medicine,Harvard University,Boston, USA
1999 Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
2005 Professor, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
2005-T Coordinator Graduate Program in Fixed Prosthesis and Implant Prosthodontics, AUTh.
2008-T Chairman, Dept. Fixed Prosthesis and Implant Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, AUTh.
2011-T Head, Section of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, AUTh.



2007-T Visiting Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2009-T Adjunct Professor, “Gr. T. Popa” Medicine and Pharmacy University, Faculty of
Dental Medicine, Iasi, Romania
2011-4 Adjunct Senior Scientist in Houston Center for Biomaterials and Biomimetics of The
University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston, USA

1986 1st Place Award ICSABER BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY, (Graduate student research Forum)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA..
1986 Semifinalist John J. Sharry Prosthodontic Research Competition, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF
PROSTHODONTISTS, for the research: A standardized system for evoking masseteric silent
periods with decreased variance,
1988 Semifinalist John J. Sharry Prosthodontic Research Competition THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF
PROSTHODONTISTS, for the research: Color consistency, plaque accumulation and external
marginal surface characteristics of the collarless metal-ceramic restoration (fabricated by
different techniques),
2003 1st Place Award for the best presentation at the 3rd Asian Bioceramics Symposium (ABC2003)
in conjunction with Hard Tissues Nano-Biomaterials Symposium 2003, Fukuwka, Japan,
2006 2nd Place Award for best oral presentation of the project “Kontonasaki E, Papadopoulou L,
Kantiranis N, Kavouras P, Hatzistavrou X, Zorba F, Theoharidou A, Kostopoulos E, Sivropoulou
A, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P. Determination of microstructure and biomechanical
properties of a low fusion dental porcelain”, 26th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Hellenic
Dental Association, Athens, Greece.
2007 2nd Place Award for best oral presentation of the project “Manda M, Galanis C, Georgiopoulos
V, Provatidis C, Koidis P. Effect of severely reduced bone support on the developed stress
field within the connectors of three types of cross-arch fixed partial denture”, 31st Congress
of the European Prosthodontic Association Athens, Greece.
2007 2nd Place Award for best poster presentation of the project “Theocharidou A., Kontonasaki E.,
Oraiopoulou X., Papadopoulou L., Sivropoulou A., Paraskevopoulos K.M., , Koidis P.
Periodontal ligament fibroblasts’ behavior on modified bioactive dental ceramic coatings”,
31st Congress of the European Prosthodontic Association Athens, Greece.
2008 Award for Honorable Membership of Dental Association of Bosnia & Herzegovina
2008 1st Place Award for the best presentation at the 13rd Congress of Balkan Stomatological
Society in Lemesos, Cyprus, of the project “Manda M, Galanis C, Georgiopoulos V, Provatidis
C, Koidis P. Effect of connectors’ vertical dimension on the developed stress field within the
connectors of two types of cantilever cross-arch fixed partial denture, in severely reduced
osseous support
2009 2nd Place Award for best poster presentation of the project “Siarampi E, Kontonasaki E.,
Papadopoulou L., Kantiranis N, Zorba T, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P. Investigation on the
mechanical strength to compression and study of the probability of failure of nuclei of
zirconia stabilized by ytria for all-ceramic restorations”, 29th Panhellenic Dental Congress,
Hellenic Dental Association, Ioannina, Greece, Nov 13-15.
2010 1st Place Award for the best presentation of the project “Papageorgiou S, Manda M, Koidis P.
Determination of effect of materials for restorations on single implant on biomechanical
behaviour: Finite Element Analysis”, 30th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Hellenic Dental
Association, Athens, Greece, 22-24 Oct.
2013 Diploma of Honour in sign of recognition of outstanding merits and permanent support with
the occasion of The XVIIth Edition of the Dental Medicine Faculty Days, Iasi, Romania, March


Scientific Memberships:  

1978 International Association of Dental Students (I.A.D.S.)
1980 Greek Dental Association
1982 Stomatological Society of Greece
1984 American Dental Association, (ADA)
1984 International Association of Dental Research, ( I.A.D.R.)
1986 American Prosthodontic Society, (A.P.S.)
1987 Carl O. Boucher Prosthodontic Conference
1988 Geriatric and Gerontologic Society of North Greece
1989 Stomatologic Society of North Greece
1993-96 Member Executive Committee
1996-99 Secretary General
1992 Association of Greek Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeons
1995 Balkan Stomatological Society (BaSS)
2001-2002 Member Executive Committee
2002-2005 Secretary General
2005-2007 Vice President
2007-2009 President Elect
2009-2011 President
2011-2013 Past President
1996 Greek Society of Osseointegration
2001 Greek Ceramic Society
2003 Greek Society of Biomaterials
2008-2011 Member Executive Committee
2006 European Society of Biomaterials
2007 European Prosthodontic Association
2011-2013 Member of Board


Management activity/positions:  

1991 Member Committee of Supervision and Safety, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1991 Member Committee of Purchasing Beating Request, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1994 Representative of School of Dentistry in Central Management Committee, Ministry for
Health and Social Care for Year of Oral Health Celebration, Athens, Greece
1995 Member of Executive Committee, Postgraduate Program in Prosthodontics, School of
Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1996 Member of Planning & Proposing Committee for the Framework for Complementary
Education of Dentists, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1996 Member of Committee for Development of new Undergraduate Curriculum of School of
Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
1999 Academic Chancellor, School of Dentistry, Office of Interconnection, AUTh, Greece.
2001-7 School of Dentistry Representative in AUTh Research Committee
2001 Member of Committee for development of new Postgraduate Program of School of
Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2003-9 Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of AUTh, Greece
2003-6 Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of Greek Dental Association
2003-12 Member of Ethical Committee, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2004-9 Consultant in Gerson Lehrman Group’s Healthcare Council, USA
2005-7 Member of Research Ethical Committee, AUTh, Greece
2005-9 Member of Working Group V6 on Medical Image Analysis, Human Motion and Body
Measurement of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
2007-11 Member Financial Planning Committee, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2007-11 Coordinator, Curriculum Development Committee, School of Dentistry, AUTh, Greece
2009-11 Member, Curriculum Development Committee, School of Medicine, AUTh, Greece


Research Activity – Participation in Programmes:  

Research Project: 127/19-12-1991 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,, Thessaloniki,
Greece, “Alterations of occlusal tooth contacts after prolonged tooth clenching”, Project
2. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PEDED 99ΕΔ544
(1999-2003) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development“Bioactive Materials: Application in Dental Fixed Prosthetic Restorations”,
Project Leader
3. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PEDED 01ΕΔ197
(2003-2006) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development, by collaboration with National Metsovio Polythechnic, Athens,
Greece“Development of integrated methodology for dental rehabilitation with metallic
implants” Senior Researcher
4. Research Project: Joint Research and Technology Program 2003-2005 by Greece &
Romania 1419/5-2-2003, General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development “The biological response and interactions of fibroblast cell lines to dental
ceramics modified by bioactive glass” , Project Leader
5. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PΥΤΗAGORAS ΙΙ
04ΕΔ544 (2005-2006) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development by collaboration with Faculty of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece “Fabrication of contemporary materials with bioactive behavior – Study
of physicochemical properties and cellular response of new type of dental ceramics modified
by bioactive ceramics” Senior Researcher
6. Research Project: Operational Program for Research and Technology PENED 03ΕΔ736
(2005-2008) General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek Ministry for
Development “Development of Dental Bioactive ceramic materials connected with
biopolymer scaffolds for tissue regeneration”, Project Leader
7. Participation in COST Action MP 1005 (4190/10): “From nano to macro biomaterials
(design, processing, characterisation, modeling) and applications to stem cells
regenerative orthopaedic an dental medicine, NAMABIO ” as MC Substitute Member for
Greece (2011-2015)
8. Research Project: “Investigation of the effect of cell culture supernatant (Conditioning
Medium) of mesenchymal stem cells from the apical papilla of permanent teeth in
combination with low level laser radiation in their ability to regenerate nerve tissue”,
Program supporting Excellence: Basic Science, Research Committee Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, #89368, 2012-2013. Project Leader
9. Research Project: “Dental Tissue Engineering using novel biomimetic scaffold materials
in combination with stem cells of dental origin and low level laser irradiation
(DentBioTisEng)”, Program ARISTEIA II (Excellence II): Operational Program “Education and
Life Learning”, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, (#5105 (9411/7-12) / ΠΔΕ:
2013ΣΕ01380048, (2014-15). Project Leader


Selected publications in International Journals:  

1. Goudouri M, Kontonasaki E, Chrysafis K, Will J, Theodosoglou E, Koidis P, Paraskevopoulos
KM, Boccaccini A. Development of highly porous scaffolds based on bioactive silicates for
dental tissue engineering, Materials Research Bulletin 2014; 49: 399-404.
2. Bousnaki M, Koidis P. Advances on Biomedical Titanium Surface Interactions, J
Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2014; 19: 43-64.
3. Goudouri O-M, Kontonasaki E, Papadopoulou L, Kantiranis N, Lazaridis NK, Chrissafis K,
Chatzistavrou X, Koidis P, Paraskevopoulos KM. Towards the synthesis of an experimental
bioactive dental ceramic. Part I: Crystallinity characterization and bioactive behavior
evaluation, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2014; 145 (1-2): 125-134
4. Vatali A, Kontonasaki E, Kavouras P, KantiranisN, Papadopoulou L, Paraskevopoulos KM,
Koidis P. Effect of heat treatment and in vitro aging on the microstructure and mechanical
properties of cold isostatic-pressed zirconia ceramics for dental restorations, Dental
Materials 2014; 30 (10): e272-e282
5. Siarambi E. Kontonasaki E,Andrikopoulos KS, Kantiranis N, Voyatzis GA, Zorba T,
Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P. Effect of in vitro aging on the flexural strength and probability
to fracture of Y-TZP zirconia ceramics for all-ceramic restorations, Dental Materials 2014;
6. Paschalidis T, Bakopoulou A, Papa X, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W, Koidis P. Dental pulp stem
cells’ secretome enhances pulp repair processes and compensates TEGDMA induced
cytotoxicity. Dental Materials 2014; 30(12):e405-18.
7. Malliari M, Bakopoulou A, Koidis P. First Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in
aTemporomandibular Disorders Patient. Report of a Case. Int J Prosthodont 2015; 28 (2):
8. Karakoulaki S, Tortopidis D, Andreadis D, Koidis P. Relationship between bruxism and
stress determined by saliva biomarkers. Int J Prosthodont 2015; 28(5):467-74.
9. Bakopoulou A, Leyhausen G, Volk J, Papachristou E, Koidis P, Geurtsen W. Wnt/β-
catenin signaling regulates Dental Pulp Stem Cells’-DPSCs responses to pulp injury by
resinous monomers. Dental Materials 2015; 31(5):542-55.
10. Tsagkalidis G, Tortopidis D, Mpikos P, Kaisarlis G, Koidis P.Accuracy of three different
impression techniques for internal-connection angulated implants, J Prosthet Dent
2015; 114(4):517-23.
11. Kontonasaki E, Bakopoulou A, Theocharidou A, G. Theodorou GS, Papadopoulou L,
Kantiranis N, Bousnaki M, ChatzichristouC, Papachristou E, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P.
Effective cell growth potential of Mg-based bioceramic scaffolds towards targeted dentin
regeneration. Balkan J Dent Med 2015; 19: 75-85.
12. Bakopoulou A, Kritis A, Andreadis D, Papachristou E, Leyhausen G, Koidis P, Geurtsen W,
Tsiftsoglou A. Angiogenic potential and secretome of human apical papilla mesenchymal
stem cells in various stress microenvironments. Stem Cells and Development 2015;24(21):
13. Tzanakakis E, Tzoutzas I, Koidis P. Is there a potential doe durable adhesion to zirconia
restorations? A Systematic Review, J Prosthet Dentistry Sept2015


Selected publications in Greek Journals:  

1. Tortopidis D, Manda Μ, Kontizas G, Koidis P. Diagnosis and management of dental
patients with Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and dental erosion, SΤΟΜΑ 2010; 38: 21-28.
2. Tortopidis D, Toyrnavitis A, Papa P, Koidis P. Bruxism: Diagnosis and management of
patients with natural teeth and dental implants. SΤΟΜΑ 2011, 39: 41-50.
3. Theoharidou A, Augeris A, Kontonasaki E, Koidis P. Disorders of temporomandibular joint
under the prism of molecular biology, SΤΟΜΑ 2011; 39: 121-131.
4. Kontonasaki E, Theoharidou A, Garefis P, Koidis P. Fixed Metal Ceramic Restorations:
Prognosis – Complications, Odontostomatological Progress 2012, 66 (1): 70-87
5. Kontopoulou E, Bakopoulou A, Koidis P. Regenerative Dentistry: Current Research
Advancements and Prospects for Clinical Application, STOMA 2014; 42: 49-72.


Research theses:  

1. Koidis PT. Contribution to the study of the relationship between anxiety and
symptomatology of dysfunction of the Stomatognathic System, PhD Dissertation, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1984.
2. Koidis PT. The porcelain labial margin in collarless metal-ceramic restorations, Master of
Science Thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 1987.
B. Books
1. Koidis P. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics (Editing and Translation in Greek of:
Rosensteil SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics), Bonisel Dental
Publ., Athens, 2012.
C. Chapters in Books
1. Koidis P, Manda M. Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications. Chapter in: Daskalaki A.
(Ed) Dental Computing and Applications: Advanced Techniques for Clinical Dentistry, Medical
Information Science Reference, IGI Global, Hersey – New York, 2009, pp. 273-304.
2. Koidis P, Manda M. Biomechanics of Rehabilitating the Perioprosthetic Patient, in:
Periodontal Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention, Yamamoto SL (Edit), Nova
Science Publishers, Inc, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 67-92.
3. Stamenkovic D, Koidis P. Strategija razvoja stomatoloskih materijala, in: Stomatoloski
Materijali, Knjiga 2, Edit. Stamenkovic D, Stomatoloski Fakultet u Beograd, Belgrade, 2012,
pp. 455-467.
4. Bakopoulou A, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W, Koidis P. Dental Tissue Engineering Research
and Translational Approaches towards Clinical Application, in: Medical Advancements in
Aging and Regenerative Technologies: Clinical Tools and Applications, Daskalaki A (Edit), IGI
Global, 2013, pp. 279-312. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2506-8
5. Chatzistavrou X, Kontonasaki E, Paraskevopoulos KM, Koidis P, Boccaccini AR.Sol-gel
derived silica-based bioactive glasses, glass-ceramics and composites (Chapter 6) In: Vallittu
P (Edit). Dental biomaterials: repair and restoration,
Woodhead Publishing Limited (2013) , pp. 194-231.