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Sakellari Dimitra


Τηλέφωνο:  (+30) 2310999565 

Σπουδές – Τίτλοι:  


Professor ,Department of Preventive Dentistry ,Periodontology and Implant Biology,Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


1983- DDS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

1991- PhD, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

1992- Post doctoral studies, The Forsyth Institute,Boston,USA


Ακαδημαϊκή σταδιοδρομία:  


1984.2000      Clinical Instructor, Department of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology,Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece

1996-               Research Affiliate ,The Forsyth Institute,Boston,USA

2000-2004      Lecturer, Department of Preventive Dentistry , Periodontology and Implant Biology, Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece

2004-2010      Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Dentistry , Periodontology and Implant Biology, Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece

2011-               Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Dentistry , Periodontology and Implant   Biology, Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece


Τιμητικές διακρίσεις:  


2004 The T.Koulourides award for Dental Research in Greece,by Procter & Gamble Hellas for the research project «Correlation of multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)with periodontal conditions»

2004 Distinction of the research project « Genotypic effect on the in vitro production of IL-1b from polymorphonuclear cells and monocytes» ( S.Davidopoulou,B.Giantsiou,E.Diza,D.Sakellari) at the 24th annual meeting of the Hellenic Dental Association.

2009 Second Prize at the 6th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology,Stocholm,Sweden «Detection and prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in the oral cavities of Greek subjects: a pilot study». (I.Ioannidis, D. Sakellari, Α.Spala, M. Arsenakis, A. Konstantinidis)

2011 The T.Koulourides award for Dental Research in Greece by Procter & Gamble Hellas for the research project «The effects of doxycycline on clinical,microbiological and immunological parameters of periodontal patients with diabetes mellitus type 2».

2013 Distinction of the poster presentation «The influence of smokng on podontal tissues» (I.Tsaxouridou,N.Perperidou,D.Sakellari) at the Stomatological Society of Northern Grreec annual meeting.

2014 Distinction of the poster presentation «Therapeutical approach of gingival enlargement» ( G.Xatzopoulos,D.Sakellari) at the Stomatological Society of Northern Grreec annual meeting.



Μέλος Επιστημονικών Εταιρειών:  

Ph.D. theses , Dental School ,AUTh
1.“Resolution phase agonists and bone remodeling:Supressor of cytokine signaling-3(SOSCS-30
regulates alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis and the anti-inflammatory actions of
Resolvin E1(RvE1)» Ε.Papathanasiou -2016- Member of the Examining Committee.
2.“ Microbial Resistance in Health and Inflammation of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Tissues”
G.Koukos –2014- Supervising Professor.
3.“ The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 in the oral cavity” S.Davidopoulou-2013- Member of the
Advising Committee.
4.“The effect of doxycycline on clinical parameters and MMP-8 levels of periodontal patients with
diabetes mellitus type-2” N.Eftimadis-2012- Member of the Advising Committee.
5.“ Clinical and microbiological findings after systemic administration of metronidazole and
clavulanic acid or metronidazole alone on treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis”
E.Xatzisavva- 2006- Member of the Examining Committee.
6.“Oral conditions in Down syndrome subjects: study of susceptibility factors K.Arapostathis-2002-
Member of the Examining Committee.
7.“Systemic and local delivery of metronidazole in aggresive periodontitis in young
individuals.Clinical and microbiological findings.Comparative evaluation of the methods for 12
months” E.Aristodimou-2002- Member of the Examining Committee.
M.Sc theses ,postgraduate students ,Dental School , AUTh
1. “Detection of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in chronic periodontitis patients by a chair-side
HbA1c test at the dental settings”M.Mataftsi-2017-( active project)
2. “Evaluation of azurocidin in Gingival Crevicular Fluid as a biomarker for periodontal
disease “D.Nalmpantis -2017-( active project)
3. “ Stainless steel crowns. Impact at the periodontal tissues in children and adolescents. A
prospective split mouth study” E. Koleventi -2017-( active project)
4. “Neutrophil extracellular traps in chronic periodontitis patients” I.Risafi –2015- Supervising
5. “Caries activity and prevalence of selected bacterial species in the oral cavity of children
residing in Greece» S.Frangkou-2015- Member of the Examining Committee.
6. “Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in dental plaque of children in Greeceprevalence,distribution
of serotypes and mother to child transmission» X.Balasouli-2015-
Member of the Examining Committee.
7. “Peri-implant bone loss in implants with different implant-abutment connections: clinical,
radiographic, microbiological and immunological outcomes ” S.Garaibe -2014-
Supervising Professor
8. “Clinical and microbiological evaluation of the effectiveness of subgingival application of a
glycine powder device during supportive periodontal treatment» K.Kargas -2011- Member
of the Examining Committee.
9. “Oral hygiene reinforcement in the simplified periodontal treatment of 1 hour.”P.Zygogianni
-2010- Member of the Examining Committee.
10. “The effect of the type of implant-abutment connection in preserving peri-implant bone
support: Clinical,microbiological and immunological study of two different systems with
internal vs external type of connection” E.Markou-2010- Member of the Examining
11. “The effect of the type of implant-abutment connections in preserving peri-implant bone
support: Clinical,microbiological and immunological study of one system with with internal
vs external type of connection” S.Menti -2010- Member of the Examining Committee.
12. “Clinical, radiographic, microbiological, and immunological outcomes of flapped vs.
flapless dental implants: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial” M.Tsoukaki –
2010– Member of the Examining Committee.
13. “Immunological and microbiological findings after the application of two periodontal
surgical techniques: a randomized, controlled clinical trial” S.Grizioti -2009- Supervising
14. “ Clinical effects of root-planning with hand instruments compared to the use of ultrasonics
during treatment of chronic periodontitis» Ι.Ιoannou-2008- Member of the Examining
15. “ Interaction of the subgingival microbiota and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1b,IL-
6,TNF-a) before and after periodontal therapy” I.Ioannidis -2006- Supervising Professor
16. “ Systemic markers of inflammation in periodontal patients.Correlation to clinical
parameters and microbiological findings after periodontal treatment” P.Xatzisavvas -2006-
Member of the Examining Committee.
17. “ Effect of periodontal treatment on the levels of interleukin-8 and matrix metalloproteinase-
8 in Gingival Crevicular Fluid. Relation to changes of the subgingival flora”A.Baka -2006-
Supervising Professor
18. “ Microbiological quality of water in dental units of the Dental School at AUTh” M.Arava –
2006- Member of the Examining Committee.
MSc theses , post-graduate students, School of Vetenirary Medicine ,AUTh.
1. “The effect of periodontal pathogens on periodontal disease progression and oral malodor in
canines ” I.Papadopoulou -2013- Member of the Examining Committee.
2. “ Periodontal disease as possible factor of initiation of systemic inflammation in canines ”
M.Kouki-2010- Member of the Examining Committee.
MSc theses ,School of Biology , AUTh.
1. “ Polymorphisms of the genes encoding IL-1a ,IL-1b and ILRA and periodontal condition”.
E.Miserli-2004- Co-supervisor.
2. “ Application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of
A.actinomycetemcomitans” A.Evangeliou -2001- Co-supervisor.
MSc theses ,School of Biology ,DUTh.
1. “Proteomic Analysis of Oral Fluids”. I. Giantikidis-2015- Member of the Examining

Ερευνητική δραστηριότητα – Προγράμματα:  


1. 80072 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece Sakellari (PI)
10/01/04- 10/01/05 Dental School (AUTH)
Correlation of multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)with periodontal conditions
Role: PI
Publications: No correlation of five gene polymorphisms with periodontal conditions in a Greek
Sakellari D, Katsares V, Georgiadou M, Kouvatsi A, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A.
J Clin Periodontol. 2006 Nov;33(11):765-70. Epub 2006 Aug 14.
PMID: 16911569
2. 82185 Research Committee,AUTh,Greece Konstantinidis (PI) 12/13/06-
Dental School (AUTH)
RANKL and OPG in periodontal disease
Role: Co-investigator
Publications:Free soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappab ligand in gingival crevicular
fluid correlates with distinct pathogens in periodontitis patients.
Sakellari D, Menti S, Konstantinidis A.
J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Nov;35(11):938-43.
3. 82421 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece Sakellari (PI)
Clinical and microbiological evaluation of a chlorhexidine and phenoxyethanol mouthrinse for daily
use by periodontal patients
Role: PI
Publications: The effect of a 0.0125% chlorhexidine and 0.55% phenoxyethanol mouthwash on
clinical and microbiological parameters during supportive periodontal treatment.
D. Sakellari , S.Menti,A.Spala,D.Tsiantou,T.Slini,A. Konstantinidis
Hellenic Stomatological Review 2009, 53:233-242
4. 84552 Research Committee,AUTH,Greece Sakellari (PI)
Dental School (AUTH)
Prevalence of different serotypes of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in a Greek population.
Role: PI
Publications:Prevalence and distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes and
the JP2 clone in a Greek population.
Sakellari D, Katsikari A, Slini T, Ioannidis I, Konstantinidis A, Arsenakis M.
J Clin Periodontol. 2011 Feb;38(2):108-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01649.x. Epub 2010
Nov 24.
PMID: 21092055
5. 87113 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece
«Heracleitus II» Programme for supporting PhD financed by the Europian Union and Greece
Role: Supervising professor for the PhD thesis : Microbial resistance to antibiotics in health and
disease of periodontal and peri-implant tissues
Publications: Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) in the oral cavity.
Koukos G, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Tsalikis L, Slini T, Konstantinidis A.
Arch Oral Biol. 2015 Sep;60(9):1410-5. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.06.009. Epub 2015 Jun 20.
PMID: 26151200
Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in subjects with successful and failing dental implants. A
pilot study.
Koukos G, Papadopoulos C, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A.
Open Dent J. 20
15 Jan 6;8:257-63. doi: 10.2174/1874210601408010257. eCollection 2014.
6. 87458 Research Committee,AUTH,Greece Tsalikis(PI) 10/01/12-
Dental School (AUTH) 
The effects of doxycycline on clinical,microbiological and immunological parameters of
periodontal patients with diabetes mellitus type 2.
Role: Co-investigator
Publications: Effects of doxycycline on clinical, microbiological and immunological parameters in
well-controlled diabetes type-2 patients with periodontal disease: a randomized, controlled clinical
Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Dagalis P, Boura P, Konstantinidis A.
J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Oct;41(10):972-80. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12287. Epub 2014 Sep 3.
7. 94032 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece Sakellari (PI)
Evaluation of periodontal conditions of subjects with type I diabetes
Role: PI
In process



Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά:  


Peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order) Sources : Scopus , 647 citations as of March , 2017 (594 excluding self-citations of all authors). h- Index= 15

A Survey of Dentists in the Management of Dentine Hypersensitivity: A Questionnaire-based Study.

Exarchou C, Betsani I, Sakellari D, Chatzopoulou D, Gillam D.

Eur J Dent. 2019 Sep 19. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1694306. [Epub ahead of print]


Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes in chronic periodontitis patients assessed by an HbA1c chairside screening protocol.

Mataftsi M, Koukos G, Sakellari D.

Clin Oral Investig. 2019 Apr 9. doi: 10.1007/s00784-019-02888-y. [Epub ahead of print]


High-throughput proteomic analysis of candidate biomarker changes in gingival crevicular fluid after treatment of chronic periodontitis.

Guzman YA, Sakellari D, Papadimitriou K, Floudas CA.

J Periodontal Res. 2018 Oct;53(5):853-860. doi: 10.1111/jre.12575. Epub 2018 Jun 14.



1. Peripheral blood neutrophil extracellular trap production and degradation in chronic periodontitis White P, Sakellari D, Roberts H, Risafi I, Ling M, Cooper P, Milward M,Chapple I. J Clin Periodontol 2016; 43: 1041–1049.

2. Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the oral cavity. Koukos G, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Tsalikis L, Slini T, Konstantinidis A. Arch Oral Biol. 2015 Sep;60(9):1410-5. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.06.009. Epub 2015 Jun 20. PMID: 26151200-4 citations

3. Group B. Consensus paper. Non-surgical periodontal therapy: mechanical debridement, antimicrobial agents and other modalities. Lang N, Feres M, Corbet E, Ding Y, Emingil G, Faveri M, Humagain M, Izumi Y, Kamil W, Kemal Y, Mahanonda R, Rajpal J, Sakellari D, Tan WC, Yamazaki K. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2015 Jan;17(1 Suppl):34-6. PMID:25764589

4. Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in subjects with successful and failing dental implants. A pilot study. Koukos G, Papadopoulos C, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. Open Dent J. 2015 Jan 6;8:257-63. doi: 10.2174/1874210601408010257. eCollection 2014. PMID:25646133-2 citations

5. Pilot study on the clinical and microbiological effect of subgingival glycine powder air polishing using a cannula-like jet. Kargas K, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Menexes G, Konstantinidis A. Int J Dent Hyg. 2015 Aug;13(3):161-9. doi: 10.1111/idh.12104. Epub 2014 Aug 26. PMID:25156125

6. Effects of doxycycline on clinical, microbiological and immunological parameters in wellcontrolled diabetes type-2 patients with periodontal disease: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Dagalis P, Boura P, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Oct;41(10):972-80. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12287. Epub 2014 Sep 3. PMID:25041182-9 citations

7. Proteomics for the discovery of biomarkers and diagnosis of periodontitis: a critical review. Guzman YA, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Floudas CA. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2014 Feb;11(1):31-41. doi: 10.1586/14789450.2014.864953. Epub 2013 Nov 26. Review. PMID:24308552 -2 citations

8. The consequences of tongue piercing on oral and periodontal tissues. Plastargias I, Sakellari D. ISRN Dent. 2014 Jan 29;2014:876510. doi: 10.1155/2014/876510. eCollection 2014. Review. PMID:24616814

9. Oral hygiene reinforcement in the simplified periodontal treatment of 1 hour. Apatzidou DA, Zygogianni P, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Feb;41(2):149-56. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12200. Epub 2013 Dec 18. PMID:24255993-2 citations

10. Immunological and microbiological findings after the application of two periodontal surgical techniques: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Kyriazis T, Gkrizioti S, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Deligianidis A, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 Nov;40(11):1036-42. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12149. Epub 2013 Aug 22. PMID:24033812

11. Salivary concentration of free LL-37 in edentulism, chronic periodontitis and healthy periodontium. Davidopoulou S, Diza E, Sakellari D, Menexes G, Kalfas S. Arch Oral Biol. 2013 Aug;58(8):930-4. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2013.01.003. Epub 2013 Feb 8. PMID: 23778112 -6 citations

12. Discovery of biomarker combinations that predict periodontal health or disease with high accuracy from GCF samples based on high-throughput proteomic analysis and mixedinteger linear optimization. Baliban RC, Sakellari D, Li Z, Guzman YA, Garcia BA, Floudas CA. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 Feb;40(2):131-9. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12037. Epub 2012 Nov 29. PMID:23190455 -9 citations

13. Prevalence of tetracycline resistance genes in the oral cavity of Greek subjects Koukos G, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M,Tsalikis L, Slini T,Konstantinidis A. J Biolog Res 2013 20: 387–94.- 4 citations

14. Crestal bone resorption after the application of two periodontal surgical techniques: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Kyriazis T, Gkrizioti S, Mikrogeorgis G, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Lyroudia K, Konstantinides A. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Oct;39(10):971-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2012.01928.x. Epub 2012 Jul 30. PMID: 22845614 -4 citations

15. Clinical, radiographic, microbiological, and immunological outcomes of flapped vs. flapless dental implants: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial. Tsoukaki M, Kalpidis CD, Sakellari D, Tsalikis L, Mikrogiorgis G, Konstantinidis A. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Sep;24(9):969-76. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2012.02503.x. Epub 2012 Jun 18. PMID: 22708917 -14 citations

16. Novel protein identification methods for biomarker discovery via a proteomic analysis of periodontally healthy and diseased gingival crevicular fluid samples. Baliban RC, Sakellari D, Li Z, DiMaggio PA, Garcia BA, Floudas CA. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Mar;39(3):203-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01805.x. Epub 2011 Nov 10. PMID: 22092770 -29 citations

17. Prevalence and distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes and the JP2 clone in a Greek population. Sakellari D, Katsikari A, Slini T, Ioannidis I, Konstantinidis A, Arsenakis M. J Clin Periodontol. 2011 Feb;38(2):108-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01649.x. Epub 2010 Nov 24. PMID: 21092055 -14 citations

18. The effect of locally delivered doxycycline in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. A clinical and microbiological cohort study. Ioannou I, Dimitriadis N, Papadimitriou K, Vouros I, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. J Oral Maxillofac Res. 2011 Jan 1;1(4):e1. doi: 10.5037/jomr.2010.1401. eCollection 2011. PMID:24421978

19. HIV infection and periodontal diseases: an overview of the post-HAART era. Mataftsi M, Skoura L, Sakellari D. Oral Dis. 2011 Jan;17(1):13-25. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2010.01727.x. Epub 2010 Oct 28. Review. PMID:21029260 -24 citations

20. Clinical and microbiological effects of adjunctive, locally delivered chlorhexidine on patients with chronic periodontitis. Sakellari D, Ioannidis I, Antoniadou M, Slini T, Konstantinidis A. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2010 Jan;12(1):20-6. Erratum in: J Int Acad Periodontol. 2010 PMID:20593635

21. Relationships among gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers, clinical parameters of periodontal disease, and the subgingival microbiota. Teles R, Sakellari D, Teles F, Konstantinidis A, Kent R, Socransky S, Haffajee A. J Periodontol. 2010 Jan;81(1):89-98. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.090397. PMID:20059421-64 citations

22. Prevalence of tetM, tetQ, nim and bla(TEM) genes in the oral cavities of Greek subjects: a pilot study. Ioannidis I, Sakellari D, Spala A, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Jul;36(7):569-74. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2009.01425.x. PMID:19538330 -10 citations

23. Application of the checkerboard immunoblotting technique to the quantification of host biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid. Teles RP, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A, Socransky SS, Haffajee AD. J Periodontol. 2009 Mar;80(3):447-56. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080440 . PMID:19254129 – 14 citations

24. Hand instrumentation versus ultrasonic debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized clinical and microbiological trial. Ioannou I, Dimitriadis N, Papadimitriou K, Sakellari D, Vouros I, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Feb;36(2):132-41. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2008.01347.x. PMID:19207889 -22 citations

25. Free soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappab ligand in gingival crevicular fluid correlates with distinct pathogens in periodontitis patients. Sakellari D, Menti S, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Nov;35(11):938-43. PMID:18988315 -20 citations

26. No correlation of five gene polymorphisms with periodontal conditions in a Greek population. Sakellari D, Katsares V, Georgiadou M, Kouvatsi A, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2006 Nov;33(11):765-70. Epub 2006 Aug 14. PMID: 16911569 -29 citations

27. Clinical and microbiological effects of different antimicrobials on generalized aggressive periodontitis. Xajigeorgiou C, Sakellari D, Slini T, Baka A, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2006 Apr;33(4):254-64. PMID:16553634 -88 citations

28. Real-time polymerase chain reaction quantification of Epstein–Barr virus in chronic periodontitis patients. Konstantinidis A, Sakellari D, Papa A, Antoniadis A. J Periodontal Res. 2005 Aug;40(4):294-8. PMID: 5966906 -17 citations

29. Tetracycline fibers as an adjunct in the treatment of nifedipine-induced gingival enlargement. Sakellari D, Vouros ID, Aristodemou E, Konstantinidis AB, Socransky S, Goodson M. J Periodontol. 2005 Jun;76(6):1034-9. PMID: 15948702 -5 citations

30. Periodontal conditions and subgingival microflora in Down syndrome patients. A casecontrol study. Sakellari D, Arapostathis KN, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2005 Jun;32(6):684-90. PMID: 15882231 -30 citations

31. The use of tetracycline fibres in the treatment of generalised aggressive periodontitis: clinical and microbiological findings. Sakellari D, Vouros I, Konstantinidis A. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2003 Apr;5(2):52-60. PMID: 12760507 -7 citations

32. Prevalence of IL-1A and IL-1B polymorphisms in a Greek population. Sakellari D, Koukoudetsos S, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2003 Jan;30(1):35-41. PMID: 12702109 -45 citations

33. Supragingival and subgingival microbiota of adult patients with Down’s syndrome. Changes after periodontal treatment. Sakellari D, Belibasakis G, Chadjipadelis T, Arapostathis K, Konstantinidis A. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2001 Dec;16(6):376-82. PMID: 11737662 -29 citations

34. Epidermal growth factor in saliva and serum of patients with cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth. Markopoulos AK, Belazi M, Drakoulakos D, Petrou-Americanou C, Sioulis A,Sakellari D, Papanayotou P. J Periodontal Res. 2001 Apr;36(2):88-91. PMID: 11327083 -7 citations

35. Concentration of 3 tetracyclines in plasma, gingival crevice fluid and saliva. Sakellari D, Goodson JM, Kolokotronis A, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2000 Jan;27(1):53-60. PMID: 10674962 -59 citations

36. Serum antibodies reacting with subgingival species in refractory periodontitis subjects. Colombo AP, Sakellari D, Haffajee AD, Tanner A, Cugini MA, Socransky SS. J Clin Periodontol. 1998 Jul;25(7):596-604. PMID: 9696261 -27 citations

37. Estimation of serum antibody to subgingival species using checkerboard immunoblotting. Sakellari D, Socransky SS, Dibart S, Eftimiadi C, Taubman MA. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1997 Oct;12(5):303-10. PMID: 9467384 -45 citations

38. Effect of a new pre-brushing rinse on dental plaque removal. Vouros J, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 1994 Nov;21(10):701-4. PMID: 7852615 – 2 citations

39. Periodontal conditions of 6-15-yr-olds in various fluoride areas in Greece. Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1992 Jun;20(3):156-7. PMID: 1623709 -1 citation


Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις σε Ελληνικά Περιοδικά:  


1. Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) Mimicking Aggressive Periodontitis. Multidisciplinary Approach During an 8 Year Follow-up Period Sakellari D, Klonizakis P, Vlachaki E, Dimitrakopoulos I Clinical Advances in Periodontics Posted online on January 10, 2017(doi:10.1902/cap.2017.160046)

2. Detection and Quantification of Subgingival Plaque Bacteria in Beagle Dogs Papadimitriou S , Kouki M, Papadopoulou I , Slini T, Sakellari D J Vet Science Animal Welfare 2016,1:1-5.

3. Polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor (VDR), Interleukin-1A and -1B Genes in a Greek Population D.Sakellari , S.Davidopoulou, S.Koukoudetsos, M.Arsenakis, A.Konstantinidis Balkan J Stomatol 2005,9:16-25.

4. Investigation of the subgingival microflora in a group of Greek patients with untreated adult periodontitis D. Sakellari, I. Vouros, A. Konstantinidis, S. Socransky Balkan J Stomatol 2000,4:138-143.


5. Oral malodour A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari Scientific Yearbook of the Dental School of Aristotle University,Thessaloniki,Volume 8 (1): 263- 276, 1985

6. Caries sensitivity assessment with the Snyder test.Association with saliva buffering capacity,DMFT and dmft and number of sugar snacks A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari Stoma 1989, 17 (2) : 98 – 103 Dental health practices of 506 Greek adults attending a dental clinic.

7. Kotsanos N, Sakellari D. Hellenic Stomatological Review 1988 Jan-Mar;32(1):53-9.

8. Effectiveness of toothbrushing of a group of 8-12 year old children A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari,K.Louloudiadis,P.Dagalis,N.Kotsanos Stoma 1989,17(4) : 196-200.

9. Epidemiological study of fluorosis of schoolchildren from Assiros,Lagkadas. K.Louloudiadis, D.Sakellari Paedodontia 1990,4 (1) :13 – 18.

10. Changes of pH of microbial plaque after intake of various drinks.The role of saliva buffering capacity. A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari Paedodontia 1990,4 (3) 145-154.

11. The effect of chewing a gum with sugar substitutes or parafin on the pH of microbial plaque after the intake of sweets. D.Sakellari, A.Kyrkou-Bata Stoma,1990, 18: 39-42.

12. Periodontal destruction due to an orthodontic elastic band ring K.Tsoumis, D.Sakellari, A.Kyrkou-Bata Paedodontia 1991 5 (2) : 67-70.

13. Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis D.Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 1991,2 : 69 – 76.

14. Possible effect of 0.4% SnF2 mouthwashes for treatment of periodontitis. D.Sakellari,A.Kolokotronis,A.Konstantinidis Analecta Periodontologica 1991, 2 : 134-141 .

15. Evaluation of a pre-brushing rinse for plaque removal. D. Sakellari, I. Vouros, A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Dental Journal,1992, 2 :87-90.

16. Effect of a 0.4% SnF2 gel on periodontal health during orthodontic treatment . D. Sakellari,A.Zafiriadis Stoma,1992 21 (1) : 21-27.

17. Effect of a 0.4% SnF2 gel during treatment of chronic gingivitis I. Vouros, D. Sakellari Stoma,1993,21 (2) : 205-210.

18. Comparative study of 0.2% and 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwashes I. Vouros, D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Analecta Periodontologica 1997, 8: 123-131.

19. Chlorhexidine 0.2% mouthwashes as an adjunct of treatment of chronic periodontitis.Clinical and microbiological findings. D. Sakellari , I. Vouros,A.Lampropoulos,A.Kotsis, A. Konstantinidis Analecta Periodontologica 1997, 8: 111-122

20. Local delivery of antimicrobials in periodontal treatment. D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 1998, 9: 33-45

21. Application of local antimicrobial systems.New drugs,new applications and indications. D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 1999, 10:69-80

22. Correlation of periodontitis with systemic diseases:risk factor? D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Odontostomatological Progress 56:196-211, 2002.

23. Genetics in Periodontology D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 2002, 13:88-98

24. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in Periodontology D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Honorary Volume for Pofessor Z.Mantzavinos, the Dental School of Athens, 2003: 539-550.

25. Antibiotic chemoprophylaxis in dentistry:is it scientifically documented.Guidelines for patients at high-risk D.Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 2003,47: 557-566.

26. Biofilm and antibiotics D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Stomatological Review 2003,47: 689-696

27. Usefulness of microbiological tests in treatment of inflammatory periodontl diseases. D. Sakellari , C.Xatzigeorgiou,A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Stomatological Review. 2005, 49 : 219-227

28. Contribution of systemic and local delivery of antimicrobials ding non-sugical peodntal therapy. D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 2007, 18:77-100

29. New guidelines for antibiotic chemoprophylaxis for cardiologic patients in dentistry. D. Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 2008, 52:103-107

30. The effect of a 0.0125% chlorhexidine and 0.55% phenoxyethanol mouthwash on clinical and microbiological parameters during supportive periodontal treatment. D. Sakellari , S.Menti,A.Spala,D.Tsiantou,T.Slini,A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Stomatological Review 2009, 53:233-242

31. The subgingival biofilm microbial communities. D. Sakellari, R. P. Teles Analecta Periodontologica 2010; 21(4):1-15

32. Proteomic analysis of gingival crevicular fluid and saliva in Periodontology D.Sakellari, C. Floudas Analecta Periodontologica 2011-2012; 22(4):31-44.

33. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). A novel defense mechanism in periodontal tissues I. Risafi, D. Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 56: 263-270, 2012

34. Proteomic analysis of saliva and potential clinical applications I. Giantikidis, D. Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 58: 41-59, 2014

35. Microbial resistance to antibiotics.Data from the oral cavity and the periodontal environment . G.Koukos, D. Sakellari Stoma 44:249-256, 2016.





37. « Drugs in Periodontology» , ISBN 960-7425-84-7 ,2005.
• Periodontology Volume 1
A.B.Konstantinidis ISBN 960-92085-1-7 (2003)
38. Chapter 6 :«Classification of periodontal diseases».
Konstantinidis A., Sakellari D.
39. Chapter 9 :«Pathogenesis of periodontal diseases».
Sakellari D., Konstantinidis A.
40. Chapter 11: «Significant general or intrinsinc risk factors for periodontal disease»
Sakellari D
41. Chapter 12: «Periodontitis as a risk factor for systemic diseases»
Sakellari D., Konstantinidis A.
• Periodontology Volume 2
A.B.Konstantinidis , ISBN 978-960-92085-2-9 (2007)
42. Chapter 21: «Specialized laboratory tests »
Konstantinidis A., Sakellari D.
43. Chapter 27: « Drugs in Periodontology»
Sakellari D., Konstantinidis A.
• Hygiene at dental settings
S.Kalfas , ISBN 960-317-080-1 (2004, 2006).
44. Chapter 10 : « Oral Health Professionals » Topitsoglou V,Kalfas S , Sakellari D
45. Chapter 11 : «Infected Oral Health Professionals and Patient Protection». Sakellari D,
Kalfas S
• «Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning» S. Dibart & T.Dietrich,
Editors: Wiley-Blackwell ISBN: 978-0-8138-1184-0 (2010).
45.Chapter 6.«Systemic and local drug delivery of antimicrobials» Sakellari D.
• « Management of complex cases in the context of geriatric dentistry. (electronic
Anastassiadou V,Naka O,Pantelidou-Papadopoulou O,Sakellari D,Topitsoglou V,Tortopidis D.
(2015),Athens: Association of Greek Academic Libraries.
46.Chapter 8 «Periodontal tissues and disease in the elderly »
AnastassiadouV, Sakellari D.
47.Chapter 17 «Elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes »
AnastassiadouV, Sakellari D.
48.Chapter 20 « Drugs and their complications»
AnastassiadouV, Sakellari D.


Telephone:  (+30) 2310999565 



Professor ,Department of Preventive Dentistry ,Periodontology and Implant Biology,Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


1983- DDS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

1991- PhD, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

1992- Post doctoral studies, The Forsyth Institute,Boston,USA


Academic career:  


1984.2000      Clinical Instructor, Department of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology,Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece

1996-               Research Affiliate ,The Forsyth Institute,Boston,USA

2000-2004      Lecturer, Department of Preventive Dentistry , Periodontology and Implant Biology, Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece

2004-2010      Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Dentistry , Periodontology and Implant Biology, Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece

2011-               Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Dentistry , Periodontology and Implant   Biology, Dental  School,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece




2004 The T.Koulourides award for Dental Research in Greece,by Procter & Gamble Hellas for the research project «Correlation of multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)with periodontal conditions»

2004 Distinction of the research project « Genotypic effect on the in vitro production of IL-1b from polymorphonuclear cells and monocytes» ( S.Davidopoulou,B.Giantsiou,E.Diza,D.Sakellari) at the 24th annual meeting of the Hellenic Dental Association.

2009 Second Prize at the 6th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology,Stocholm,Sweden «Detection and prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in the oral cavities of Greek subjects: a pilot study». (I.Ioannidis, D. Sakellari, Α.Spala, M. Arsenakis, A. Konstantinidis)

2011 The T.Koulourides award for Dental Research in Greece by Procter & Gamble Hellas for the research project «The effects of doxycycline on clinical,microbiological and immunological parameters of periodontal patients with diabetes mellitus type 2».

2013 Distinction of the poster presentation «The influence of smokng on podontal tissues» (I.Tsaxouridou,N.Perperidou,D.Sakellari) at the Stomatological Society of Northern Grreec annual meeting.

2014 Distinction of the poster presentation «Therapeutical approach of gingival enlargement» ( G.Xatzopoulos,D.Sakellari) at the Stomatological Society of Northern Grreec annual meeting.



Scientific Memberships:  

Ph.D. theses , Dental School ,AUTh
1.“Resolution phase agonists and bone remodeling:Supressor of cytokine signaling-3(SOSCS-30
regulates alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis and the anti-inflammatory actions of
Resolvin E1(RvE1)» Ε.Papathanasiou -2016- Member of the Examining Committee.
2.“ Microbial Resistance in Health and Inflammation of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Tissues”
G.Koukos –2014- Supervising Professor.
3.“ The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 in the oral cavity” S.Davidopoulou-2013- Member of the
Advising Committee.
4.“The effect of doxycycline on clinical parameters and MMP-8 levels of periodontal patients with
diabetes mellitus type-2” N.Eftimadis-2012- Member of the Advising Committee.
5.“ Clinical and microbiological findings after systemic administration of metronidazole and
clavulanic acid or metronidazole alone on treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis”
E.Xatzisavva- 2006- Member of the Examining Committee.
6.“Oral conditions in Down syndrome subjects: study of susceptibility factors K.Arapostathis-2002-
Member of the Examining Committee.
7.“Systemic and local delivery of metronidazole in aggresive periodontitis in young
individuals.Clinical and microbiological findings.Comparative evaluation of the methods for 12
months” E.Aristodimou-2002- Member of the Examining Committee.
M.Sc theses ,postgraduate students ,Dental School , AUTh
1. “Detection of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in chronic periodontitis patients by a chair-side
HbA1c test at the dental settings”M.Mataftsi-2017-( active project)
2. “Evaluation of azurocidin in Gingival Crevicular Fluid as a biomarker for periodontal
disease “D.Nalmpantis -2017-( active project)
3. “ Stainless steel crowns. Impact at the periodontal tissues in children and adolescents. A
prospective split mouth study” E. Koleventi -2017-( active project)
4. “Neutrophil extracellular traps in chronic periodontitis patients” I.Risafi –2015- Supervising
5. “Caries activity and prevalence of selected bacterial species in the oral cavity of children
residing in Greece» S.Frangkou-2015- Member of the Examining Committee.
6. “Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in dental plaque of children in Greeceprevalence,distribution
of serotypes and mother to child transmission» X.Balasouli-2015-
Member of the Examining Committee.
7. “Peri-implant bone loss in implants with different implant-abutment connections: clinical,
radiographic, microbiological and immunological outcomes ” S.Garaibe -2014-
Supervising Professor
8. “Clinical and microbiological evaluation of the effectiveness of subgingival application of a
glycine powder device during supportive periodontal treatment» K.Kargas -2011- Member
of the Examining Committee.
9. “Oral hygiene reinforcement in the simplified periodontal treatment of 1 hour.”P.Zygogianni
-2010- Member of the Examining Committee.
10. “The effect of the type of implant-abutment connection in preserving peri-implant bone
support: Clinical,microbiological and immunological study of two different systems with
internal vs external type of connection” E.Markou-2010- Member of the Examining
11. “The effect of the type of implant-abutment connections in preserving peri-implant bone
support: Clinical,microbiological and immunological study of one system with with internal
vs external type of connection” S.Menti -2010- Member of the Examining Committee.
12. “Clinical, radiographic, microbiological, and immunological outcomes of flapped vs.
flapless dental implants: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial” M.Tsoukaki –
2010– Member of the Examining Committee.
13. “Immunological and microbiological findings after the application of two periodontal
surgical techniques: a randomized, controlled clinical trial” S.Grizioti -2009- Supervising
14. “ Clinical effects of root-planning with hand instruments compared to the use of ultrasonics
during treatment of chronic periodontitis» Ι.Ιoannou-2008- Member of the Examining
15. “ Interaction of the subgingival microbiota and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1b,IL-
6,TNF-a) before and after periodontal therapy” I.Ioannidis -2006- Supervising Professor
16. “ Systemic markers of inflammation in periodontal patients.Correlation to clinical
parameters and microbiological findings after periodontal treatment” P.Xatzisavvas -2006-
Member of the Examining Committee.
17. “ Effect of periodontal treatment on the levels of interleukin-8 and matrix metalloproteinase-
8 in Gingival Crevicular Fluid. Relation to changes of the subgingival flora”A.Baka -2006-
Supervising Professor
18. “ Microbiological quality of water in dental units of the Dental School at AUTh” M.Arava –
2006- Member of the Examining Committee.
MSc theses , post-graduate students, School of Vetenirary Medicine ,AUTh.
1. “The effect of periodontal pathogens on periodontal disease progression and oral malodor in
canines ” I.Papadopoulou -2013- Member of the Examining Committee.
2. “ Periodontal disease as possible factor of initiation of systemic inflammation in canines ”
M.Kouki-2010- Member of the Examining Committee.
MSc theses ,School of Biology , AUTh.
1. “ Polymorphisms of the genes encoding IL-1a ,IL-1b and ILRA and periodontal condition”.
E.Miserli-2004- Co-supervisor.
2. “ Application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of
A.actinomycetemcomitans” A.Evangeliou -2001- Co-supervisor.
MSc theses ,School of Biology ,DUTh.
1. “Proteomic Analysis of Oral Fluids”. I. Giantikidis-2015- Member of the Examining

Research Activity – Participation in Programmes:  


1. 80072 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece Sakellari (PI)
10/01/04- 10/01/05 Dental School (AUTH)
Correlation of multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)with periodontal conditions
Role: PI
Publications: No correlation of five gene polymorphisms with periodontal conditions in a Greek
Sakellari D, Katsares V, Georgiadou M, Kouvatsi A, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A.
J Clin Periodontol. 2006 Nov;33(11):765-70. Epub 2006 Aug 14.
PMID: 16911569
2. 82185 Research Committee,AUTh,Greece Konstantinidis (PI) 12/13/06-
Dental School (AUTH)
RANKL and OPG in periodontal disease
Role: Co-investigator
Publications:Free soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappab ligand in gingival crevicular
fluid correlates with distinct pathogens in periodontitis patients.
Sakellari D, Menti S, Konstantinidis A.
J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Nov;35(11):938-43.
3. 82421 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece Sakellari (PI)
Clinical and microbiological evaluation of a chlorhexidine and phenoxyethanol mouthrinse for daily
use by periodontal patients
Role: PI
Publications: The effect of a 0.0125% chlorhexidine and 0.55% phenoxyethanol mouthwash on
clinical and microbiological parameters during supportive periodontal treatment.
D. Sakellari , S.Menti,A.Spala,D.Tsiantou,T.Slini,A. Konstantinidis
Hellenic Stomatological Review 2009, 53:233-242
4. 84552 Research Committee,AUTH,Greece Sakellari (PI)
Dental School (AUTH)
Prevalence of different serotypes of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in a Greek population.
Role: PI
Publications:Prevalence and distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes and
the JP2 clone in a Greek population.
Sakellari D, Katsikari A, Slini T, Ioannidis I, Konstantinidis A, Arsenakis M.
J Clin Periodontol. 2011 Feb;38(2):108-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01649.x. Epub 2010
Nov 24.
PMID: 21092055
5. 87113 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece
«Heracleitus II» Programme for supporting PhD financed by the Europian Union and Greece
Role: Supervising professor for the PhD thesis : Microbial resistance to antibiotics in health and
disease of periodontal and peri-implant tissues
Publications: Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) in the oral cavity.
Koukos G, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Tsalikis L, Slini T, Konstantinidis A.
Arch Oral Biol. 2015 Sep;60(9):1410-5. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.06.009. Epub 2015 Jun 20.
PMID: 26151200
Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in subjects with successful and failing dental implants. A
pilot study.
Koukos G, Papadopoulos C, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A.
Open Dent J. 20
15 Jan 6;8:257-63. doi: 10.2174/1874210601408010257. eCollection 2014.
6. 87458 Research Committee,AUTH,Greece Tsalikis(PI) 10/01/12-
Dental School (AUTH) 
The effects of doxycycline on clinical,microbiological and immunological parameters of
periodontal patients with diabetes mellitus type 2.
Role: Co-investigator
Publications: Effects of doxycycline on clinical, microbiological and immunological parameters in
well-controlled diabetes type-2 patients with periodontal disease: a randomized, controlled clinical
Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Dagalis P, Boura P, Konstantinidis A.
J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Oct;41(10):972-80. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12287. Epub 2014 Sep 3.
7. 94032 Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece Sakellari (PI)
Evaluation of periodontal conditions of subjects with type I diabetes
Role: PI
In process



Selected publications in International Journals:  


Peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order) Sources : Scopus , 647 citations as of March , 2017 (594 excluding self-citations of all authors). h- Index= 15

A Survey of Dentists in the Management of Dentine Hypersensitivity: A Questionnaire-based Study.

Exarchou C, Betsani I, Sakellari D, Chatzopoulou D, Gillam D.

Eur J Dent. 2019 Sep 19. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1694306. [Epub ahead of print]


Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes in chronic periodontitis patients assessed by an HbA1c chairside screening protocol.

Mataftsi M, Koukos G, Sakellari D.

Clin Oral Investig. 2019 Apr 9. doi: 10.1007/s00784-019-02888-y. [Epub ahead of print]


High-throughput proteomic analysis of candidate biomarker changes in gingival crevicular fluid after treatment of chronic periodontitis.

Guzman YA, Sakellari D, Papadimitriou K, Floudas CA.

J Periodontal Res. 2018 Oct;53(5):853-860. doi: 10.1111/jre.12575. Epub 2018 Jun 14.



1. Peripheral blood neutrophil extracellular trap production and degradation in chronic periodontitis White P, Sakellari D, Roberts H, Risafi I, Ling M, Cooper P, Milward M,Chapple I. J Clin Periodontol 2016; 43: 1041–1049.

2. Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the oral cavity. Koukos G, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Tsalikis L, Slini T, Konstantinidis A. Arch Oral Biol. 2015 Sep;60(9):1410-5. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.06.009. Epub 2015 Jun 20. PMID: 26151200-4 citations

3. Group B. Consensus paper. Non-surgical periodontal therapy: mechanical debridement, antimicrobial agents and other modalities. Lang N, Feres M, Corbet E, Ding Y, Emingil G, Faveri M, Humagain M, Izumi Y, Kamil W, Kemal Y, Mahanonda R, Rajpal J, Sakellari D, Tan WC, Yamazaki K. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2015 Jan;17(1 Suppl):34-6. PMID:25764589

4. Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in subjects with successful and failing dental implants. A pilot study. Koukos G, Papadopoulos C, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. Open Dent J. 2015 Jan 6;8:257-63. doi: 10.2174/1874210601408010257. eCollection 2014. PMID:25646133-2 citations

5. Pilot study on the clinical and microbiological effect of subgingival glycine powder air polishing using a cannula-like jet. Kargas K, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Menexes G, Konstantinidis A. Int J Dent Hyg. 2015 Aug;13(3):161-9. doi: 10.1111/idh.12104. Epub 2014 Aug 26. PMID:25156125

6. Effects of doxycycline on clinical, microbiological and immunological parameters in wellcontrolled diabetes type-2 patients with periodontal disease: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Dagalis P, Boura P, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Oct;41(10):972-80. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12287. Epub 2014 Sep 3. PMID:25041182-9 citations

7. Proteomics for the discovery of biomarkers and diagnosis of periodontitis: a critical review. Guzman YA, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M, Floudas CA. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2014 Feb;11(1):31-41. doi: 10.1586/14789450.2014.864953. Epub 2013 Nov 26. Review. PMID:24308552 -2 citations

8. The consequences of tongue piercing on oral and periodontal tissues. Plastargias I, Sakellari D. ISRN Dent. 2014 Jan 29;2014:876510. doi: 10.1155/2014/876510. eCollection 2014. Review. PMID:24616814

9. Oral hygiene reinforcement in the simplified periodontal treatment of 1 hour. Apatzidou DA, Zygogianni P, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Feb;41(2):149-56. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12200. Epub 2013 Dec 18. PMID:24255993-2 citations

10. Immunological and microbiological findings after the application of two periodontal surgical techniques: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Kyriazis T, Gkrizioti S, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Deligianidis A, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 Nov;40(11):1036-42. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12149. Epub 2013 Aug 22. PMID:24033812

11. Salivary concentration of free LL-37 in edentulism, chronic periodontitis and healthy periodontium. Davidopoulou S, Diza E, Sakellari D, Menexes G, Kalfas S. Arch Oral Biol. 2013 Aug;58(8):930-4. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2013.01.003. Epub 2013 Feb 8. PMID: 23778112 -6 citations

12. Discovery of biomarker combinations that predict periodontal health or disease with high accuracy from GCF samples based on high-throughput proteomic analysis and mixedinteger linear optimization. Baliban RC, Sakellari D, Li Z, Guzman YA, Garcia BA, Floudas CA. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 Feb;40(2):131-9. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12037. Epub 2012 Nov 29. PMID:23190455 -9 citations

13. Prevalence of tetracycline resistance genes in the oral cavity of Greek subjects Koukos G, Sakellari D, Arsenakis M,Tsalikis L, Slini T,Konstantinidis A. J Biolog Res 2013 20: 387–94.- 4 citations

14. Crestal bone resorption after the application of two periodontal surgical techniques: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Kyriazis T, Gkrizioti S, Mikrogeorgis G, Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Lyroudia K, Konstantinides A. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Oct;39(10):971-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2012.01928.x. Epub 2012 Jul 30. PMID: 22845614 -4 citations

15. Clinical, radiographic, microbiological, and immunological outcomes of flapped vs. flapless dental implants: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial. Tsoukaki M, Kalpidis CD, Sakellari D, Tsalikis L, Mikrogiorgis G, Konstantinidis A. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Sep;24(9):969-76. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2012.02503.x. Epub 2012 Jun 18. PMID: 22708917 -14 citations

16. Novel protein identification methods for biomarker discovery via a proteomic analysis of periodontally healthy and diseased gingival crevicular fluid samples. Baliban RC, Sakellari D, Li Z, DiMaggio PA, Garcia BA, Floudas CA. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Mar;39(3):203-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01805.x. Epub 2011 Nov 10. PMID: 22092770 -29 citations

17. Prevalence and distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes and the JP2 clone in a Greek population. Sakellari D, Katsikari A, Slini T, Ioannidis I, Konstantinidis A, Arsenakis M. J Clin Periodontol. 2011 Feb;38(2):108-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01649.x. Epub 2010 Nov 24. PMID: 21092055 -14 citations

18. The effect of locally delivered doxycycline in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. A clinical and microbiological cohort study. Ioannou I, Dimitriadis N, Papadimitriou K, Vouros I, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. J Oral Maxillofac Res. 2011 Jan 1;1(4):e1. doi: 10.5037/jomr.2010.1401. eCollection 2011. PMID:24421978

19. HIV infection and periodontal diseases: an overview of the post-HAART era. Mataftsi M, Skoura L, Sakellari D. Oral Dis. 2011 Jan;17(1):13-25. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2010.01727.x. Epub 2010 Oct 28. Review. PMID:21029260 -24 citations

20. Clinical and microbiological effects of adjunctive, locally delivered chlorhexidine on patients with chronic periodontitis. Sakellari D, Ioannidis I, Antoniadou M, Slini T, Konstantinidis A. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2010 Jan;12(1):20-6. Erratum in: J Int Acad Periodontol. 2010 PMID:20593635

21. Relationships among gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers, clinical parameters of periodontal disease, and the subgingival microbiota. Teles R, Sakellari D, Teles F, Konstantinidis A, Kent R, Socransky S, Haffajee A. J Periodontol. 2010 Jan;81(1):89-98. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.090397. PMID:20059421-64 citations

22. Prevalence of tetM, tetQ, nim and bla(TEM) genes in the oral cavities of Greek subjects: a pilot study. Ioannidis I, Sakellari D, Spala A, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Jul;36(7):569-74. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2009.01425.x. PMID:19538330 -10 citations

23. Application of the checkerboard immunoblotting technique to the quantification of host biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid. Teles RP, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A, Socransky SS, Haffajee AD. J Periodontol. 2009 Mar;80(3):447-56. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080440 . PMID:19254129 – 14 citations

24. Hand instrumentation versus ultrasonic debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized clinical and microbiological trial. Ioannou I, Dimitriadis N, Papadimitriou K, Sakellari D, Vouros I, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Feb;36(2):132-41. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2008.01347.x. PMID:19207889 -22 citations

25. Free soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappab ligand in gingival crevicular fluid correlates with distinct pathogens in periodontitis patients. Sakellari D, Menti S, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Nov;35(11):938-43. PMID:18988315 -20 citations

26. No correlation of five gene polymorphisms with periodontal conditions in a Greek population. Sakellari D, Katsares V, Georgiadou M, Kouvatsi A, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2006 Nov;33(11):765-70. Epub 2006 Aug 14. PMID: 16911569 -29 citations

27. Clinical and microbiological effects of different antimicrobials on generalized aggressive periodontitis. Xajigeorgiou C, Sakellari D, Slini T, Baka A, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2006 Apr;33(4):254-64. PMID:16553634 -88 citations

28. Real-time polymerase chain reaction quantification of Epstein–Barr virus in chronic periodontitis patients. Konstantinidis A, Sakellari D, Papa A, Antoniadis A. J Periodontal Res. 2005 Aug;40(4):294-8. PMID: 5966906 -17 citations

29. Tetracycline fibers as an adjunct in the treatment of nifedipine-induced gingival enlargement. Sakellari D, Vouros ID, Aristodemou E, Konstantinidis AB, Socransky S, Goodson M. J Periodontol. 2005 Jun;76(6):1034-9. PMID: 15948702 -5 citations

30. Periodontal conditions and subgingival microflora in Down syndrome patients. A casecontrol study. Sakellari D, Arapostathis KN, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2005 Jun;32(6):684-90. PMID: 15882231 -30 citations

31. The use of tetracycline fibres in the treatment of generalised aggressive periodontitis: clinical and microbiological findings. Sakellari D, Vouros I, Konstantinidis A. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2003 Apr;5(2):52-60. PMID: 12760507 -7 citations

32. Prevalence of IL-1A and IL-1B polymorphisms in a Greek population. Sakellari D, Koukoudetsos S, Arsenakis M, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2003 Jan;30(1):35-41. PMID: 12702109 -45 citations

33. Supragingival and subgingival microbiota of adult patients with Down’s syndrome. Changes after periodontal treatment. Sakellari D, Belibasakis G, Chadjipadelis T, Arapostathis K, Konstantinidis A. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2001 Dec;16(6):376-82. PMID: 11737662 -29 citations

34. Epidermal growth factor in saliva and serum of patients with cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth. Markopoulos AK, Belazi M, Drakoulakos D, Petrou-Americanou C, Sioulis A,Sakellari D, Papanayotou P. J Periodontal Res. 2001 Apr;36(2):88-91. PMID: 11327083 -7 citations

35. Concentration of 3 tetracyclines in plasma, gingival crevice fluid and saliva. Sakellari D, Goodson JM, Kolokotronis A, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 2000 Jan;27(1):53-60. PMID: 10674962 -59 citations

36. Serum antibodies reacting with subgingival species in refractory periodontitis subjects. Colombo AP, Sakellari D, Haffajee AD, Tanner A, Cugini MA, Socransky SS. J Clin Periodontol. 1998 Jul;25(7):596-604. PMID: 9696261 -27 citations

37. Estimation of serum antibody to subgingival species using checkerboard immunoblotting. Sakellari D, Socransky SS, Dibart S, Eftimiadi C, Taubman MA. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1997 Oct;12(5):303-10. PMID: 9467384 -45 citations

38. Effect of a new pre-brushing rinse on dental plaque removal. Vouros J, Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. J Clin Periodontol. 1994 Nov;21(10):701-4. PMID: 7852615 – 2 citations

39. Periodontal conditions of 6-15-yr-olds in various fluoride areas in Greece. Sakellari D, Konstantinidis A. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1992 Jun;20(3):156-7. PMID: 1623709 -1 citation


Selected publications in Greek Journals:  


1. Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) Mimicking Aggressive Periodontitis. Multidisciplinary Approach During an 8 Year Follow-up Period Sakellari D, Klonizakis P, Vlachaki E, Dimitrakopoulos I Clinical Advances in Periodontics Posted online on January 10, 2017(doi:10.1902/cap.2017.160046)

2. Detection and Quantification of Subgingival Plaque Bacteria in Beagle Dogs Papadimitriou S , Kouki M, Papadopoulou I , Slini T, Sakellari D J Vet Science Animal Welfare 2016,1:1-5.

3. Polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor (VDR), Interleukin-1A and -1B Genes in a Greek Population D.Sakellari , S.Davidopoulou, S.Koukoudetsos, M.Arsenakis, A.Konstantinidis Balkan J Stomatol 2005,9:16-25.

4. Investigation of the subgingival microflora in a group of Greek patients with untreated adult periodontitis D. Sakellari, I. Vouros, A. Konstantinidis, S. Socransky Balkan J Stomatol 2000,4:138-143.


5. Oral malodour A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari Scientific Yearbook of the Dental School of Aristotle University,Thessaloniki,Volume 8 (1): 263- 276, 1985

6. Caries sensitivity assessment with the Snyder test.Association with saliva buffering capacity,DMFT and dmft and number of sugar snacks A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari Stoma 1989, 17 (2) : 98 – 103 Dental health practices of 506 Greek adults attending a dental clinic.

7. Kotsanos N, Sakellari D. Hellenic Stomatological Review 1988 Jan-Mar;32(1):53-9.

8. Effectiveness of toothbrushing of a group of 8-12 year old children A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari,K.Louloudiadis,P.Dagalis,N.Kotsanos Stoma 1989,17(4) : 196-200.

9. Epidemiological study of fluorosis of schoolchildren from Assiros,Lagkadas. K.Louloudiadis, D.Sakellari Paedodontia 1990,4 (1) :13 – 18.

10. Changes of pH of microbial plaque after intake of various drinks.The role of saliva buffering capacity. A.Kyrkou-Bata,D.Sakellari Paedodontia 1990,4 (3) 145-154.

11. The effect of chewing a gum with sugar substitutes or parafin on the pH of microbial plaque after the intake of sweets. D.Sakellari, A.Kyrkou-Bata Stoma,1990, 18: 39-42.

12. Periodontal destruction due to an orthodontic elastic band ring K.Tsoumis, D.Sakellari, A.Kyrkou-Bata Paedodontia 1991 5 (2) : 67-70.

13. Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis D.Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 1991,2 : 69 – 76.

14. Possible effect of 0.4% SnF2 mouthwashes for treatment of periodontitis. D.Sakellari,A.Kolokotronis,A.Konstantinidis Analecta Periodontologica 1991, 2 : 134-141 .

15. Evaluation of a pre-brushing rinse for plaque removal. D. Sakellari, I. Vouros, A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Dental Journal,1992, 2 :87-90.

16. Effect of a 0.4% SnF2 gel on periodontal health during orthodontic treatment . D. Sakellari,A.Zafiriadis Stoma,1992 21 (1) : 21-27.

17. Effect of a 0.4% SnF2 gel during treatment of chronic gingivitis I. Vouros, D. Sakellari Stoma,1993,21 (2) : 205-210.

18. Comparative study of 0.2% and 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwashes I. Vouros, D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Analecta Periodontologica 1997, 8: 123-131.

19. Chlorhexidine 0.2% mouthwashes as an adjunct of treatment of chronic periodontitis.Clinical and microbiological findings. D. Sakellari , I. Vouros,A.Lampropoulos,A.Kotsis, A. Konstantinidis Analecta Periodontologica 1997, 8: 111-122

20. Local delivery of antimicrobials in periodontal treatment. D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 1998, 9: 33-45

21. Application of local antimicrobial systems.New drugs,new applications and indications. D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 1999, 10:69-80

22. Correlation of periodontitis with systemic diseases:risk factor? D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Odontostomatological Progress 56:196-211, 2002.

23. Genetics in Periodontology D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 2002, 13:88-98

24. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in Periodontology D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Honorary Volume for Pofessor Z.Mantzavinos, the Dental School of Athens, 2003: 539-550.

25. Antibiotic chemoprophylaxis in dentistry:is it scientifically documented.Guidelines for patients at high-risk D.Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 2003,47: 557-566.

26. Biofilm and antibiotics D. Sakellari , A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Stomatological Review 2003,47: 689-696

27. Usefulness of microbiological tests in treatment of inflammatory periodontl diseases. D. Sakellari , C.Xatzigeorgiou,A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Stomatological Review. 2005, 49 : 219-227

28. Contribution of systemic and local delivery of antimicrobials ding non-sugical peodntal therapy. D. Sakellari Analecta Periodontologica 2007, 18:77-100

29. New guidelines for antibiotic chemoprophylaxis for cardiologic patients in dentistry. D. Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 2008, 52:103-107

30. The effect of a 0.0125% chlorhexidine and 0.55% phenoxyethanol mouthwash on clinical and microbiological parameters during supportive periodontal treatment. D. Sakellari , S.Menti,A.Spala,D.Tsiantou,T.Slini,A. Konstantinidis Hellenic Stomatological Review 2009, 53:233-242

31. The subgingival biofilm microbial communities. D. Sakellari, R. P. Teles Analecta Periodontologica 2010; 21(4):1-15

32. Proteomic analysis of gingival crevicular fluid and saliva in Periodontology D.Sakellari, C. Floudas Analecta Periodontologica 2011-2012; 22(4):31-44.

33. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). A novel defense mechanism in periodontal tissues I. Risafi, D. Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 56: 263-270, 2012

34. Proteomic analysis of saliva and potential clinical applications I. Giantikidis, D. Sakellari Hellenic Stomatological Review 58: 41-59, 2014

35. Microbial resistance to antibiotics.Data from the oral cavity and the periodontal environment . G.Koukos, D. Sakellari Stoma 44:249-256, 2016.




Research theses:  

37. « Drugs in Periodontology» , ISBN 960-7425-84-7 ,2005.
• Periodontology Volume 1
A.B.Konstantinidis ISBN 960-92085-1-7 (2003)
38. Chapter 6 :«Classification of periodontal diseases».
Konstantinidis A., Sakellari D.
39. Chapter 9 :«Pathogenesis of periodontal diseases».
Sakellari D., Konstantinidis A.
40. Chapter 11: «Significant general or intrinsinc risk factors for periodontal disease»
Sakellari D
41. Chapter 12: «Periodontitis as a risk factor for systemic diseases»
Sakellari D., Konstantinidis A.
• Periodontology Volume 2
A.B.Konstantinidis , ISBN 978-960-92085-2-9 (2007)
42. Chapter 21: «Specialized laboratory tests »
Konstantinidis A., Sakellari D.
43. Chapter 27: « Drugs in Periodontology»
Sakellari D., Konstantinidis A.
• Hygiene at dental settings
S.Kalfas , ISBN 960-317-080-1 (2004, 2006).
44. Chapter 10 : « Oral Health Professionals » Topitsoglou V,Kalfas S , Sakellari D
45. Chapter 11 : «Infected Oral Health Professionals and Patient Protection». Sakellari D,
Kalfas S
• «Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning» S. Dibart & T.Dietrich,
Editors: Wiley-Blackwell ISBN: 978-0-8138-1184-0 (2010).
45.Chapter 6.«Systemic and local drug delivery of antimicrobials» Sakellari D.
• « Management of complex cases in the context of geriatric dentistry. (electronic
Anastassiadou V,Naka O,Pantelidou-Papadopoulou O,Sakellari D,Topitsoglou V,Tortopidis D.
(2015),Athens: Association of Greek Academic Libraries.
46.Chapter 8 «Periodontal tissues and disease in the elderly »
AnastassiadouV, Sakellari D.
47.Chapter 17 «Elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes »
AnastassiadouV, Sakellari D.
48.Chapter 20 « Drugs and their complications»
AnastassiadouV, Sakellari D.